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As Christian Educators, we fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by providing biblical studies, life changing seminars and training opportunities that draw others to the saving power and grace of Jesus Christ. In doing so, we encourage disciples’ growth in their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, so that they may become witnesses of His love and extend His love to those who need to know He lives!
6823 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408
We believe Sunday School plays a distinct role toward enhancing the Christian spiritual development, with focus on, teaching the word. Sunday School is a ministry that helps people know Jesus Christ and deepen their lives in evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship, and worship. We lead people to encounter the life-changing experience of knowing Jesus and learning what it means to follow Him. We hope to achieve this through Teaching, Equipping, and Reaching. Join us on Sunday's at 8:30am.
The MHBC Children’s Ministry believes that children are a gift from God and have gifts to offer the church and the world. We believe the church shares the responsibility with the parents for the spiritual growth of each child. As a result, our trained volunteer staff use their God-given talents to present the Gospel to children in an age-appropriate manner while they have fun learning about God. In this way, we embrace the entire church family and bring generations together.
Our mission is to make disciples that make disciples. After a new member completes the required New Disciples’ Class and receive the right hand of fellowship, the Discipleship Ministry begins to disciple the new member for 6 to 12 months by making phone calls, sending cards, and praying for and with new disciples; sponsoring fellowship events; offering discipleship classes and seminars; and, encouraging ministry involvement so that disciples may be mentored as they serve with other disciples in ministry.
The Corporate Ministries consist of a conglomerate of ministries that support Mount Hope Baptist Church in various capacities. The ministries that fall under the umbrella of the Corporate Ministries primarily focuses on the oversight, operational, and management of the church activities. These ministries carry out these functions through either service activities (Hospitality, Nursing Home, Usher, etc.) or through the execution of administrative activities (Logistics and Operations, Security, etc.).
6823 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Deacons are called to be dedicated caregivers who use their spiritual gifts in a shared ministry of concern for the total well-being of God’s people. The primary goals of the Deacon Ministry is to serve the Lord by conducting the caring ministry of the Church by doing the benevolence work, visiting the sick, being alert to the Spiritual needs of the congregation, promoting unity within the church, and facilitating the spread of the Gospel.
We are servant leaders who are called to be the eyes and ears for the Pastor relative to the overall health (spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental) of the Mount Hope Baptist Church disciples. We pray for, uplift, and encourage the church family, and above all we live a life which demonstrates the love and reverence to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Seniors Ministry of MHBC are very well known among the MHBC discipleship as “The Golden Flyers.” From ages 60 and up, this ministry is a mixed group of men and women who enjoy fellowshipping together throughout day trips, lunch, dinners, and special events. If you would like to be a part of this ministry please contact the Ministry Leader below.
Our mission is to help improve the health status of the members of our congregation and the people of our community. This ministry acknowleges that we must honor and worship God in mind, body, and spirit.
Our ministry hopes to enhance the lives of our community and congregation through worship, witnessing, fellowship, and service. Toward that end, our commitment is to provide nourishing and complete meals to as many of God’s precious children as possible while showing kindness and compassion. We strive to demonstrate Christian service according to the perfect example provided by our precious savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Logistics and Operations provides logistical support for every ministry within Mount Hope Baptist Church and to collaborate with every ministry in order to adequately provide the resources required for a successful church event.
Our mission is to establish and equip men on how to be strengthened in their inner man by the power of the Holy Spirit; so, they will be grounded in the love of God, whereby Christ dwells in their hearts, enabling men to represent in time God’s viewpoint from eternity. Our Men’s Ministry is committed to investing in the men of our church and developing them to be all that God has ordained them to be.
Members of the Care Ministry demonstrate Christ’s love by conducting monthly visits to area nursing homes to provide companionship, games, activities, and spiritual support to the residents of the facilities.
If you would like to serve with the Nursing Home Ministry please email
The prophetic Ministry is a spiritual covering for the welfare of Mount Hope Baptist Church. Its primary goal is to adhere to the voice of God and intercede to produce spiritual fruit for the betterment of the body of Christ.
The security team stands watch during services and other critical times to ensure the safety possible environment is maintained and so that incidents are confronted and addressed in an effective manner that minimizes disruption and harm to persons or property. Security team members also respond when needed in an emergency medical situation.
This ministry helps encourage every student to obtain a college degree if they choose to do so and to provide support so that they can be all that God has ordained them to be.
Aims to reach, teach, and equip disciples to live a healthy lifestyle that promotes the ability to engage in evangelism, discipleship, worship, ministry, and fellowship throughout the community.
Provides transportation within a 10-mile radius of Mount Hope Baptist Church to Sunday worship services and approved Church-wide events.
If you would like to volunteer as a Sunday Morning driver please contact the Ministry Leader.
The Trustees are necessary for the effective and efficient operation of MHBC and for meeting a State mandate for an accountable body that is responsible for the physical property of the church. The position of Trustee is not a biblical office and all Trustees are appointed by the Pastor.
When we enter His presence and magnify our Lord, the air is charged with His glory. Through this experience, music, dance, drama, and the spoken word, create a spirit-filled excitement of praise and worship in the atmosphere.
6823 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408
The MHBC Male Chorus is comprised of all age groups from teenage to our senior saints. They lead our Body of Christ in worship one Sunday a month, utilizing hand-clapping, foot-stomping quartet and traditional styles of music.
The Adult Praise Team leads the praise and worship aspect of our service. Their purpose is to usher in the Holy Spirit by preparing an atmosphere that is conducive for the Body of Christ to freely praise and worship Him however the Spirit moves them. The Youth Praise Team leads Youth Sunday service through spirit-led worship. Their music includes songs from contemporary and urban contemporary genres. The team is comprised of youth and young adults ranging from ages 13-30.
The adult liturgical dance ministry engages this Body of Christ in worship by utilizing their gift of movement. They are lead in worship through the music of the Covenant Choir, as well as, through spontaneous and choreographed presentations. Hope Anointed also presents special expressions and dramatizations throughout the year.
The Liturgical Worship Ministry’s mission is to humbly provide a stage for the spirit of God to move by ministering to the body of Christ though creative expressions of worship and dance, as artistic ministers representing the love of Christ. Their choreographed and spirit led expressions are presented in conjunction with the Adult Praise Team and includes both youth and adult dancers.
The MHBC Covenant Choir consist of men, women, youth, young adult, and seasoned saints. The ensemble ushers in the Holy Spirit through songs in which they utilize a four-part harmony (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass). Their spirit filled music ranges from gospel to contemporary.
Children learn by watching the role models in their lives, but they also learn by participating. The MHBC Children’s Choir provides an opportunity in which they can learn, grow, move, and serve in God’s kingdom. This is an important way to accomplish spiritual growth in each child’s life. The high-energy, youthful choir provides children with the opportunity to lead the congregation on Youth Sundays. This developmental choir is open to youth from ages 5-12.
The purpose of Service, Outreach & Missions (SOM) ministries is to show Christ, share Christ and to be Christ in the world. We do this by taking on the very nature of a servant so that others may see Christ within us. This requires a transformed heart and a renewed mind all while remembering the character of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28).
6823 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408
The Outreach Ministry of MHBC provides support, care and practical resources to those who are often on the outskirts of our community to let them know that Christ lives. Such ministry projects include providing support blankets and life baskets to homeless men and women, school supply drive for neighborhood children, coordinating the Alzheimer’s and Breast cancer walk for our church, manage the Good Samaritan Project which provides our congregation with an opportunity to participate with community service social organization projects such as Habitat for Humanity and the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank based on their zip code, and build a community garden for local area seniors as well as those who are food insecure.
The Missions ministry of MHBC provides emergency support to domestic and international organizations that are making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Such opportunities include, Water to Flint & New Jersey, Feminine Products to Ghana for young girls who do not have such products available to them and therefore must miss school every month until their cycle is over, and other emergency support due to catastrophic events in the US or aboard (i.e., Haiti, Puerto Rico). Additional opportunities could include the Tamar Project which is an international campaign to end gender-based violence throughout the world.
Greeters are the hosts for God’s house. A greeter is willing to smile, show kindness and greets regular members and visiting guests at the church doors with an open heart and genuine words of welcome. Our greeters show the gift of hospitality and can assist with any questions you may have about our church. If you can smile and have a heart for all people — we invite and welcome you to join our ministry.
The Marriage Ministry Team is established to build and enhance couples’ relationships through the power and wisdom of God’s word. Our goal is to provide the tools couples need to help them build an extraordinary marriage. Marriage is ordained by God and is intended to represent the bond between Christ and the Church. It is an intimate and sacred relationship and a gift from God. Our ministry will provide the support you need to maintain grace, understanding and acceptance which in turn will help your marriage weather any storms that may come your way. We are committed to praying for all married and engaged couples so that Christ can rule in our hearts and homes.
Our mission is to bring the Word of God to those incarcerated at Rappahannock Regional Jail and Detention Center in Stafford County, VA. To continue to reach out to those who desire to develop their spiritual growth as they serve their time while detained. To labor at this vineyard to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost so that they may be saved, and to encourage the saved to be strong and steadfast despite their situation. To minister to those families who are waiting for their love ones to return.
To provide the church and community with Stephen Ministers (Acts 6:5); men and women who are highly trained using the Stephen Ministry Series; who are committed to walking alongside those who are hurting for as long as necessary, and to provide them with emotional and spiritual care. This ministry is committed to meeting the needs of our congregation through the grace and love of Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to help prepare for worship and enable worshippers to feel welcome and comfortable. In accomplishing our mission, we are committed to being humble as we warmly greet every member and visitor through excellent customer service. We are charged to assist the Pastor with worship services in making it a pleasant experience for all. If you have the gift of “helps” and wish to become a doorkeeper to God’s house, please see any Mount Hope Usher for more information.
Our purpose is to build a life changing ministry for women that will empower other women to serve the Lord, develop their gifts for ministry, and to be catalysts for change in the world for Jesus Christ. We desire to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of women at Mount Hope Baptist Church and the surrounding community, through the following six (6) sub-ministries: Outreach Ministry Team, Mentoring Ministry Team, In-Reach Ministry Team, Social Activities Ministry Team, Spiritual Growth and Development Ministry Team, and the Resource and Collaboration Ministry Team. By building leadership teams within the Women’s Ministry, more women are empowered to use their God-given gifts in transformative ministry.
In harmony with the Mount Hope Baptist Church mission and core values, this ministry desires to lead young adults ages 18 - 39, in an ongoing tangible relationship with God through Christ Jesus that will cultivate their faith in the early stages of adulthood. Using a culture of care, it is our unified hope to achieve this mission through Relationship, Discipleship and Outreach.
6823 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408
In harmony with the Mount Hope Baptist Church mission and core values, "The STANDARD" desires to lead youth grades 6th - 12th, in an ongoing tagible relationship with God through Christ Jesus that will transition them into adulthood. Using a culture of care, it is our unified hope to achieve this mission through Discipleship, Relationship, Education, Evangelism, and Service to the Community.
6823 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 /
Why are we known as "The Standard"?
Our ministry name, “The STANDARD,” is derived from Isaiah 59:19: “So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a “STANDARD” against him.” This name does not suggest that we are The STANDARD. Our youth ministry name, “The STANDARD” is directing attention to the fact that no matter what tricks the enemy tries to pull, “GOD’S STANDARD” is more powerful. This is God’s standard, therefore it’s not “a standard,” it is “The STANDARD!” The ULTIMATE standard that God has lifted up against the enemy is THE SON, JESUS CHRIST!
The Senior Recognition Dinner is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our youth who are graduating high school seniors. This celebration acknowledges the senior and gives them spiritual encouragement as they matriculate to the next level in their lives. Additionally, dinner is served.
MTE exposes youth to a completely youth tailored Christian environment, build relationships with other Christian youth throughout the country, and to promote teen spiritual growth and development.